Want To Create A Deep Connection With Your Teen?

You Need To Become An Understander!

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Grab the Parenting In The Middle Toolkit!


12 Tools To Become An Understander


Find Your Parenting Style Quiz


How To Stop Swinging On The Parenting Pendulum


The PITM Method to keep your calm in the chaos of parenting


The Toolkit that will help you become an Understander!

Grab The Toolkit For Only $27!

Yes! I Need This!

does this sound familiar?

You want to create a connection with your teen, but what usually happens when you have a conversation is:

  • You have a tendency to want to make it better.

  • Which leads to fixing, judging, or correcting mode.

  • Then, you tend to lose your cool and react to your kid’s behavior. 

So, instead of creating that desired connection, you've created a rift.

that's exactly why...

I created the Parenting In The Middle Toolkit!

To help you say GOODBYE to:

⛔ Judging

⛔ Fixing

⛔ Correcting


And HELLO to:

✅ Connection

✅ Patience

✅ Understanding

Learn How To Go From A Fixer To An Understander With My Parenting In The Middle Method!

Get Immediate Access To:

  • 12 Tools To Become An Understander

    • Simple Tools That Will Change Your Relationship With Your Teen
  • Find Your Parenting Style Quiz

    •  Before you can become an Understander, you've got to know your parenting style so you can start parenting in the middle!
  • How To Stop Swinging On The Parenting Pendulum

    • Stop swinging on the Parenting Pendulum so that your kids will have better self esteem, mental health, connection, and so much more!
  • The PITM Method to keep your calm in the chaos of parenting

    • Learn the Parenting In The Middle Model so that you can handle any parenting situation without losing your cool and create a stronger connection with your teen!
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Grab The Toolkit For Only $27!

Let's Do This!! >>
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Hey There, I'm Kristen


I'm a mom just like you.

I wanted to be a more confident and understanding parent, but I struggled to figure out how.

I thought when my kids got older, when I was done with the baby stage, when my kids were all in school, when we had more money, THEN I would get it figured out.

I realized time was passing me by and I wasn't seeing much change. 

I decided to become a certified life coach and combine the tools I learned there with all of the strategies I had learned from the parenting books and courses I had taken.

The tools I teach are simple. And they work. The relationship I have with my kids was worth all of the struggle it took to get here.

Parenting teens is not an easy job. But we are capable and strong enough to handle it. 

If you feel out of control and helpless when it comes to your teens, I can help!

As Seen On...

what others are saying


Working with Kristen has opened my eyes to thought patterns I didn't realize I was stuck in! She has helped me see beyond my own limitations and find joy in areas I struggled with before. I am enjoying areas of motherhood that I previously felt guilt over. Kristen put me at ease from our first conversation and never made me feel judged as we worked on my concerns each week. My life is truly brighter.


I am working on my degree in Marriage and Family and I found Kristen and her work to be essential to a happy life. I am taking ownership over how I want to feel regardless of anything happening and managing my emotions around such. My favorite phrase she has given me is, "It's not a problem." Because nothing is. Learning to manage our brains around any situation brings true freedom

Learn How To Go From A Fixer To An Understander With My Parenting In The Middle Method!

Get Immediate Access To:

  • 12 Tools To Become An Understander

    • Simple Tools That Will Change Your Relationship With Your Teen
  • Find Your Parenting Style Quiz

    •  Before you can become an Understander, you've got to know your parenting style so you can start parenting in the middle!
  • How To Stop Swinging On The Parenting Pendulum

    • Stop swinging on the Parenting Pendulum so that your kids will have better self esteem, mental health, connection, and so much more!
  • The PITM Method to keep your calm in the chaos of parenting

    • Learn the Parenting In The Middle Model so that you can handle any parenting situation without losing your cool and create a stronger connection with your teen!
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Grab The Toolkit For Only $27!